[Discovery_PVE_Comm] Discovery PVE sub-committees
Skaggs, Lindsey
lsskagg at ilstu.edu
Wed Aug 24 13:53:01 UTC 2022
Hi all,
If you haven't yet responded about subcommittees, please let me know what you're interested in working on. I'm happy to provide additional info.
From: Skaggs, Lindsey
Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2022 1:50 PM
To: discovery_pve_comm at carli.illinois.edu
Subject: Discovery PVE sub-committees
Hi all,
Thanks for a productive meeting yesterday! Minutes are available at https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cYM8FIUzFayKFNlaGMPWRrB8mf7YVa0CvhAtJbOqI5E/edit__;!!DZ3fjg!8RcngPm4S0H-Q2PeLy2L9FQRkf-wbn8KH-hkYrNPry9irP3_9XtWPZJUXeTZuNK3hB0f28jg_3rIEjvlwU3TbHhbfSoCMeUKH3A$ .
During the meeting, we decided to focus our efforts on the following topics. The first three concern creating recommendations to be implemented at the consortial level. The last item - usability best practices - would involve creating programming focused on usability testing and results.
* Dedup/FRBR
* Local fields
* Local resource types
* Usability best practices
As a task force, we found that it was best to "divide and conquer" when it came to working on recommendations or arranging events. Task force subcommittees began working on the first three items on the list last year, and Jessica will send out a brief summary of where we left off. There is also documentation available in the Google Drive<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1TOGNOqm5g8wCE5Yai80JBjHOdQcyWw4U__;!!DZ3fjg!8RcngPm4S0H-Q2PeLy2L9FQRkf-wbn8KH-hkYrNPry9irP3_9XtWPZJUXeTZuNK3hB0f28jg_3rIEjvlwU3TbHhbfSoCuLsAh4I$ >.
Please let me know which subcommittee(s) you would be interested in serving on. We discussed that subcommittees should touch base before our September meeting, so I'll follow up with subcommittee "assignments" once I've heard back.
Lindsey Skaggs
Instructional Design Librarian
Liaison to the School of Communication
Milner Library 530
Illinois State University
lsskagg at ilstu.edu<mailto:lsskagg at ilstu.edu> | 309-438-3355
she / her / hers
Need research help? Book an appointment with me.<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/ResearchAssistanceBookingsLindseySkaggs@IllinoisStateUniversity.onmicrosoft.com/bookings/__;!!DZ3fjg!8RcngPm4S0H-Q2PeLy2L9FQRkf-wbn8KH-hkYrNPry9irP3_9XtWPZJUXeTZuNK3hB0f28jg_3rIEjvlwU3TbHhbfSoCukWyJz0$ >
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