[Discovery_PVE_Comm] Discovery PVE sub-committees
Gibson, Jessica
oram at uillinois.edu
Wed Aug 24 14:26:13 UTC 2022
Hi, all,
Below are the summaries I promised to write up!
Summary of where last year’s continuing Primo VE Task Force Subgroups left off
August 23, 2022 – Jessica Gibson (CARLI)
Local Resource Types
The subgroup and CARLI staff completed testing and confirmed that in our shared network environment, coordinating the local resource types centrally is going to provide the best user experience. The summarized recommendations of the subgroup can be found in the Local Resource Type Recommendations document<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pyK-FMR9j3frasW8dxyq4Ak_QZ1PKIlRlZpbdt0TU4k/edit__;!!DZ3fjg!-Si0BGpEc_UQAhR62RQ2ZW3A3pPk7xtOEEeqp7kTTs_qkitQe6VrZ330mWYvU0GWdx0nKytOnzQQus0pB0nBqXkKwn4JtHO2_L0$ > in their folder<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/18K_RxVK8yNwgdbt-rx7PfNt9-J2pZ7x3__;!!DZ3fjg!-Si0BGpEc_UQAhR62RQ2ZW3A3pPk7xtOEEeqp7kTTs_qkitQe6VrZ330mWYvU0GWdx0nKytOnzQQus0pB0nBqXkKwn4Ja9RbGIQ$ >. In short, CARLI needs to establish a process for how to decide which local resource types to add, how to accept suggestions from member libraries for new types, and how to implement them at the NZ and IZ levels.
CARLI has received some tickets from I-Share libraries asking about Local Resource Types, including a few recommendations:
* Government Documents
* The current resource types at consortial level for these are Video and Audio CD that don't reflect the nature of the materials in our collections:16 mm films, 12 in. vinyl albums, audio books and audio tapes
* Changes to Audio in order to show our users that we have LPs, Audio CDs, streaming audio, DVD video, etc.
In addition, there have been some recent changes to the system to support resource types, as well as future planned changes to consider:
1. In the August 2022 release, Ex Libris added the ability to configure secondary resource types based on specific MARC fields or regex. “Previously, you could assign only one resource type to a record, which limited the search and facets of resources that fell under multiple categories (such as conference proceedings on ebook, dissertations on audio CD, or collections of archival materials that consist of images, and so forth). With this enhancement, you now have the ability to assign secondary resource types to records to allow these records to be found using facets and search pre-filters. Note that these records will continue to display their main resource type only.” https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://knowledge.exlibrisgroup.com/Primo/Product_Documentation/020Primo_VE/Primo_VE_(English)/040Search_Configurations/Configuring_Secondary_Resource_Types_for_Primo_VE__;!!DZ3fjg!-Si0BGpEc_UQAhR62RQ2ZW3A3pPk7xtOEEeqp7kTTs_qkitQe6VrZ330mWYvU0GWdx0nKytOnzQQus0pB0nBqXkKwn4J9nsqHn4$
These also need to be configured consortially for the best results.
2. As a result of the Primo 2022 NERS customer voting process, these changes will be implemented in the next year in Primo VE: “Requesting Flexibility in Local Resource Type Configuration” to:
* Increase the number of local resource types
* Allow customization of the OTB resource types by overriding OTB resource type
* Add the ability to edit the OTB resource type rules in order to include or exclude certain types of records from said rules
Local Fields
The subgroup and CARLI staff completed testing to confirm how local bibliographic fields could be distributed from the NZ to IZs and to understand the difference between the two methods for defining local fields (MARC21 field method or Normalization method). We concluded that coordinating a set of local fields centrally will provide the best user experience for I-Share.
A first draft of potential local bibliographic fields can be found in the subgroup’s folder<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1YwzKIp5ti2pKdPN3sHjXlNHlsccdrmhe__;!!DZ3fjg!-Si0BGpEc_UQAhR62RQ2ZW3A3pPk7xtOEEeqp7kTTs_qkitQe6VrZ330mWYvU0GWdx0nKytOnzQQus0pB0nBqXkKwn4Jm5PV4r4$ >, called “Bib Local Fields for display to distribute from NZ list draft_20220511.xlsx”. This list has not yet been shared beyond our committee, but eventually should be shared with other groups such as the Technical Services Committee to receive feedback and input.
In the same folder<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1YwzKIp5ti2pKdPN3sHjXlNHlsccdrmhe__;!!DZ3fjg!-Si0BGpEc_UQAhR62RQ2ZW3A3pPk7xtOEEeqp7kTTs_qkitQe6VrZ330mWYvU0GWdx0nKytOnzQQus0pB0nBqXkKwn4Jm5PV4r4$ >, there is a draft of Holdings record MARC fields that can also be distributed from the NZ to the IZs called “CARLI Primo VE Holdings Notes Display draft webpage.pdf”. If a library has already customized their IZ’s Holdings fields, the distribution of these fields will not take place and will not overwrite what a library has already done. Holdings records fields do not need to be coordinated centrally because library holdings records are not shared; however, providing a configured full set of holdings fields for all libraries who haven’t yet customized them at all can assist libraries who do not have the resources, staffing, or knowledge to do so. An I-Share library may adjust the distributed holdings fields at any time.
Dedup and FRBR
The Subgroup had only just begun some testing in the Sandboxes prior to the end of the year. No outcomes or conclusions have yet been established, but there are some notes and other information in their folder<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1k4uCTqUGv1khUN31tNYe1PHivcSbAtln__;!!DZ3fjg!-Si0BGpEc_UQAhR62RQ2ZW3A3pPk7xtOEEeqp7kTTs_qkitQe6VrZ330mWYvU0GWdx0nKytOnzQQus0pB0nBqXkKwn4JYkk_S0M$ >. The most regular FRBR complaint heard from I-Share libraries is “the Bible problem” where FRBR uses the 130 field in the bibliographic records to match hundreds of records for the Bible, making it hard to find the one you want. For Dedup, complaints are usually more varied and driven by various kinds of data.
Ex Libris documentation to all of these is linked here<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://knowledge.exlibrisgroup.com/Primo/Product_Documentation/020Primo_VE/Primo_VE_(English)/090Dedup_and_FRBR_for_Primo_VE__;!!DZ3fjg!-Si0BGpEc_UQAhR62RQ2ZW3A3pPk7xtOEEeqp7kTTs_qkitQe6VrZ330mWYvU0GWdx0nKytOnzQQus0pB0nBqXkKwn4JQgvnmRM$ >:
* Understanding the Dedup and FRBR Processes (Primo VE) – technical; describes how the system identifies matches and groups
* Configuring the Dedup and FRBR Complete Keys – highly technical, but at least now (as of Oct. 2021) we have the ability to edit these if we so choose!
* Dedup and FRBR Analysis Tool – very handy tool that shows you which records are grouped since Primo VE does such a good job of hiding that to endusers
* Suppressing Groups of Records from Dedup/FRBR – this option can be used to prevent records with MARC 130 fields from being grouped, which has proven to be a problem with the Bible, classical texts, and works of music; requires coordination between IZ and NZ when records live in the NZ.
* SUNY documentation for their consortium<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://slcny.libanswers.com/faq/270548__;!!DZ3fjg!-Si0BGpEc_UQAhR62RQ2ZW3A3pPk7xtOEEeqp7kTTs_qkitQe6VrZ330mWYvU0GWdx0nKytOnzQQus0pB0nBqXkKwn4JterOVNc$ >
* University of California documentation from their migration<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://uc-sils.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DF/pages/1502773300/Go*Live*FRBR*Configuration__;Kysr!!DZ3fjg!-Si0BGpEc_UQAhR62RQ2ZW3A3pPk7xtOEEeqp7kTTs_qkitQe6VrZ330mWYvU0GWdx0nKytOnzQQus0pB0nBqXkKwn4Jj1sz198$ >
Jessica Gibson
Assistant Director, System Services
Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois (CARLI)
oram at uillinois dot edu
From: Discovery_PVE_Comm <discovery_pve_comm-bounces at carli.illinois.edu> on behalf of "Skaggs, Lindsey via Discovery_PVE_Comm" <discovery_pve_comm at carli.illinois.edu>
Reply-To: "Skaggs, Lindsey" <lsskagg at ilstu.edu>
Date: Wednesday, August 24, 2022 at 8:53 AM
To: "discovery_pve_comm at carli.illinois.edu" <discovery_pve_comm at carli.illinois.edu>
Subject: Re: [Discovery_PVE_Comm] Discovery PVE sub-committees
Hi all,
If you haven’t yet responded about subcommittees, please let me know what you’re interested in working on. I’m happy to provide additional info.
From: Skaggs, Lindsey
Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2022 1:50 PM
To: discovery_pve_comm at carli.illinois.edu
Subject: Discovery PVE sub-committees
Hi all,
Thanks for a productive meeting yesterday! Minutes are available at https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cYM8FIUzFayKFNlaGMPWRrB8mf7YVa0CvhAtJbOqI5E/edit__;!!DZ3fjg!-Si0BGpEc_UQAhR62RQ2ZW3A3pPk7xtOEEeqp7kTTs_qkitQe6VrZ330mWYvU0GWdx0nKytOnzQQus0pB0nBqXkKwn4JB2ZkpRY$ <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/docs.google.com/document/d/1cYM8FIUzFayKFNlaGMPWRrB8mf7YVa0CvhAtJbOqI5E/edit__;!!DZ3fjg!8RcngPm4S0H-Q2PeLy2L9FQRkf-wbn8KH-hkYrNPry9irP3_9XtWPZJUXeTZuNK3hB0f28jg_3rIEjvlwU3TbHhbfSoCMeUKH3A$>.
During the meeting, we decided to focus our efforts on the following topics. The first three concern creating recommendations to be implemented at the consortial level. The last item – usability best practices – would involve creating programming focused on usability testing and results.
* Dedup/FRBR
* Local fields
* Local resource types
* Usability best practices
As a task force, we found that it was best to “divide and conquer” when it came to working on recommendations or arranging events. Task force subcommittees began working on the first three items on the list last year, and Jessica will send out a brief summary of where we left off. There is also documentation available in the Google Drive<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/drive.google.com/drive/folders/1TOGNOqm5g8wCE5Yai80JBjHOdQcyWw4U__;!!DZ3fjg!8RcngPm4S0H-Q2PeLy2L9FQRkf-wbn8KH-hkYrNPry9irP3_9XtWPZJUXeTZuNK3hB0f28jg_3rIEjvlwU3TbHhbfSoCuLsAh4I$>.
Please let me know which subcommittee(s) you would be interested in serving on. We discussed that subcommittees should touch base before our September meeting, so I’ll follow up with subcommittee “assignments” once I’ve heard back.
Lindsey Skaggs
Instructional Design Librarian
Liaison to the School of Communication
Milner Library 530
Illinois State University
lsskagg at ilstu.edu<mailto:lsskagg at ilstu.edu> | 309-438-3355
she / her / hers
Need research help? Book an appointment with me.<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/ResearchAssistanceBookingsLindseySkaggs@IllinoisStateUniversity.onmicrosoft.com/bookings/__;!!DZ3fjg!8RcngPm4S0H-Q2PeLy2L9FQRkf-wbn8KH-hkYrNPry9irP3_9XtWPZJUXeTZuNK3hB0f28jg_3rIEjvlwU3TbHhbfSoCukWyJz0$>
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