[Discovery_PVE_Comm] FW: Case comments are added to the case: 07701351: Primo VE Analytics report question

Skaggs, Lindsey lsskagg at ilstu.edu
Wed Sep 25 13:51:53 UTC 2024

Hi folks - ExL confirmed that yes, when a user leaves their browser open, the tab refreshes and re-runs the search, which is sent to the analytics server.

From: ProQuest and Ex Libris Support <proquest-exlibris-support at proquest.com>
Sent: Wednesday, September 25, 2024 7:45 AM
To: Skaggs, Lindsey <lsskagg at ilstu.edu>
Subject: Case comments are added to the case: 07701351: Primo VE Analytics report question

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Hello Lindsey,

A new comment has been added to case  07701351<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://support.proquest.com/500QO00000IPs65YAD__;!!DZ3fjg!4_jY-XNvh_MyCX8RQpccNnYZbTOSlr6AiZcg8jCnkBK6XlAR7YelyHCufc_PYDPeoLbSNOtT4pL5Wd2ioMjF1zKSAvOvgkIneqg$ >.

Case Title: Primo VE Analytics report question
Last Comment:
Hi Lindsey,
I did a test overnight. The Primo session times out every 60 minutes per the view configuration. I left my browser open with a search in ISU's Primo. Each time it timed out, the search was re-executed and sent to the analytics server. So, your suspicion in the case description is correct and the searches are counted multiple times when the browser window containing the search is left open. I do believe this can explain the higher number of odd searches in the analytics report. Please let me know if you have any questions!

Best Regards,
Lori Lareau
Primo Technical Support

Status: In Progress
Priority: Medium

Members of my consortium have recently been reviewing Primo VE Analytics reports together. We are confused by some of the results in the "Popular Searches" report because it doesn't seem likely that multiple users would run the same odd searches. We are wondering if an individual leaves their browser open, and the browser refreshes, do the refreshes "re-run" the search? If so, does that inflate the statistics for that search?


Thank you,
Clarivate Support
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