[Discovery_PVE_Comm] CARLI DPVEC agenda for 2/19
Skaggs, Lindsey
lsskagg at ilstu.edu
Mon Feb 17 15:22:14 UTC 2025
Hi all,
I've started an agenda<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://docs.google.com/document/d/14O6QqHjcPURDTHAgoLkUAPuYuJSIPi8mGZ-XQ4rfFqA/edit?tab=t.0__;!!DZ3fjg!_k4sBWkhmt8j0gcWeWQEwxFIZ9xn7N6ymZx7hOUgP2jPwXth1zLpA8LX36X60yZpKrntASWZ6WmpwxR_H_dDRew0uL8bLC-m01Q$ > for our meeting this Wednesday, February 19. Please let me know if anything needs updating or feel free to make changes to the agenda. I've added time at the end of the meeting for folks who are interested in working on dedup/FRBR to recap and discuss goals and ideas.
I'll need to leave a little after 11am due to search committee obligations for an onsite candidate visit.
Lindsey Skaggs
Scholarly Communication Librarian
Assistant Professor
Milner Library 530
Illinois State University
lsskagg at ilstu.edu<mailto:lsskagg at ilstu.edu> | 309-438-3355
she / her / hers
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