[OERCommittee] DOE Open Textbook Pilot grant -- assistance request for mini grant applications

Swanson, Nicole Marie long20 at uillinois.edu
Wed Oct 14 11:10:03 CDT 2020

Hello OER Committee,
If CARLI is successful in being awarded a DOE Open Textbook Pilot grant, we would open two rounds of applications for member libraries and teams of libraries to apply for mini-grants for the development of OER textbooks and ancillary materials.

We need your help on what should be included in the mini grant applications.
We have reviewed Iowa State University's mini-grant application (attached, along with related documents) and website resources < https://www.oer.iastate.edu/apply-mini-grant>, and wondered if you might also review these materials and share in our meeting Thursday what you think needs to be included in CARLI's mini grant application.
In case it is helpful to consider when thinking about local needs, these are the people we envision would be working at the consortial level on the project:

1 full-time project coordinator:

1 part time copy editor

1 part time instructional designer

1 part time 3D printing instructor

Thank you!
Anne, Elizabeth, and Nicole

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