[OERCommittee] CARLI OER Committee Meeting Agenda 10-15-2020

Swatscheno, Janet Marie jswatsc2 at uic.edu
Wed Oct 14 11:44:17 CDT 2020

Hello everyone,

We have another jam packed agenda this month. If you have updates you would like to share with the committee, please share through email. Please let me know if there is anything else that needs to be added to the agenda.

  *   Determine minutes taker
  *   Review minutes from September (Will send out ASAP)
  *   Department of Education Grant
  *   Virtual faculty workshops update
  *   Evaluation Information from September OER Program (please review ahead of time)
     *   Here's the evaluation results link for the September OER Course:
Password: September

  *   Organizing CARLI's OER Commons Hub (volunteers needed)
  *   CARLI Board's Committee Review
     *    2020-2021 CARLI Committee Review Project Timeline:
        *   Chairs Meeting to Review Committees' Project: October/November
        *   Initial Report Due for CARLI Board of Directors Review: December 1, 2020
        *   Final Plan Presented for Approval, March 2021 CARLI Board Meeting: March 1, 2021
  *   CARLI Annual Meeting Showcase
     *   Response due October 19
     *   Video due November 2

Connection Information:

Phone one-tap: US: +13126266799,,92218717768# or +12678310333,,92218717768#
Meeting URL:     https://illinois.zoom.us/j/92218717768?pwd=Tmc4OHAwdTQ0ZitmMTNTWkQyVk8wUT09
Meeting ID:         922 1871 7768
Password:           97531

Janet Swatscheno
Instructor & Digital Publishing Librarian
University Library
University of Illinois at Chicago
801 South Morgan Street
Chicago, IL 60607
jswatsc2 at uic.edu<mailto:jswatsc2 at uic.edu>

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