[OERCommittee] draft announcement for April 22 CARLI OER Office Hours (new name for the OER Chat)

Clarage, Elizabeth clarage at uillinois.edu
Thu Mar 18 15:22:42 CDT 2021

Here's a draft announcement about the OER Office Hours (previously called: OER Chat which was the new name of the CARLI OER Course Alumni Chat)

Please feel free to edit!  Thanks for your feedback!  Elizabeth

CARLI OER Office Hours: Focus - OER Challenges

The CARLI OER Committee invites CARLI members to an informal discussion on OER and specifically the challenges that they have faced as they develop a local affordable initiative. The discussion will be held on April 22 at 10:00 a.m.

Those working on local OER and affordable programs are encouraged to attend and share how they continued their program after having met with challenges or setbacks.

Participants can ask questions and receive feedback about OER activities from both members of the CARLI OER Committee and their fellow CARLI colleagues.

Topics of conversation may include (but are not limited to):

  *   Institutional Support, both overall and funding for a program
  *   Perceptions about OER including its quality
  *   Who works on affordable textbook initiatives?
  *   Need for supplementary materials
  *   Working with your institutional bookstore
  *   Resources for specialty courses or upper level classes
Registration for this session is required. Connection information will be shared the week of April 19.

To Register for this session: course: https://www.carli.illinois.edu/carli-oer-office-hours-focus-oer-challenges

If you have any questions, please send them to CARLI Support<mailto:support at carli.illinois.edu?subject=Virtual%20CARLI%20OER%20Course>.

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