[OERCommittee] CARLI OER Committee Meeting Thursday 1pm

Matthews, Daniel matthewsd29 at morainevalley.edu
Tue Nov 16 17:18:02 UTC 2021

Hello CARLI OER Committee,

Our monthly meeting will be this Thursday, November 16th, at 1pm.

Here is a link to the agenda<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://uofi.box.com/s/qxregq4krfqjjg6oskcuv1gdnv3twvkf__;!!DZ3fjg!rO_eY2QsM9eYTJW3m8ibvOoly7m7C4tjywBTBXQ4eoG_JlVkx1P64qKjtYoLT_Zq5gGKsLSCBA$ >.

Please send any additions or corrections to the agenda.

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