[OERCommittee] Pressbooks Offers CARLI Members 25% Discount on Individual PressbooksEDU Plan

Clarage, Elizabeth clarage at uillinois.edu
Mon Nov 29 17:57:25 UTC 2021


Attached you will find a flyer from Pressbooks with details of a 25% discount on its Individual PressbooksEDU Plan being made directly to CARLI member libraries. PressbooksEDU is an online software platform that can be used to create/edit/adapt open educational resources (OER).

CARLI is not brokering this offer so members need to arrange a contract directly with Pressbooks.

If interested, please contact Pressbooks directly at sales at pressbooks.com<mailto:sales at pressbooks.com> .

This offer is available until 12/31/2022.

CARLI is providing this information as a courtesy and this should not be interpreted as an endorsement of the offer or product.


Elizabeth Clarage
Director of Collections Services
Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois
100 Trade Centre Dr., Ste. 303
Champaign, IL 61820
Tel: (217) 300-2624
Email: support at carli.illinois.edu<mailto:support at carli.illinois.edu>

"Under the Illinois Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), any written communication to or from university employees regarding University business is a public record and may be subject to public disclosure."

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