[OERCommittee] IACRL December 9 Spark Program
Clarage, Elizabeth
clarage at uillinois.edu
Fri Oct 22 13:24:18 UTC 2021
At yesterday's OER Committee meeting, there was mention of IACRL's Program on December 9, Spark: Open Pathways - Exploring the Intersections of Diversity Equity and Inclusion and Open Educational Resources.
The Illinois Library Association has an information page<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.ila.org/events/spark-open-pathways-exploring-the-inters__;!!DZ3fjg!omNxTJ-km49n4jk6-0-HmJG4Fu0syBM2BVJlcjyhiH0e0SxKGvVz1ZNCyyU1J49AbOP-0Q8stA$ > for the program that includes registration and a call for proposals (due by October 29th).
"Under the Illinois Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), any written communication to or from university employees regarding University business is a public record and may be subject to public disclosure."
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