[OERCommittee] CARLI OER Committee Agenda for 9/16
Clarage, Elizabeth
clarage at uillinois.edu
Wed Sep 15 16:44:32 UTC 2021
Sending for the chairs.
CARLI OER Committee,
Please find our agenda and Zoom link for tomorrow's meeting below. Attached to this email are OER Gameshow Power Point Slides from Tamara Townsend, that we will discuss during our meeting. See you tomorrow!
CARLI OER Committee
September 16, 2021
1:00 -2:30pm
Zoom / Conference Call
https://illinois.zoom.us/j/85858468003?pwd=eWxjWnlZNEVHQ3ZuWVR0bGI0RnVGdz09 Telephone connection information (if needed): 312 626-6799
Meeting ID: 858 5846 8003; Password: 98765
Minutes taken by: Amber Burtis
1. Review/Update Agenda
2. Review/Approve August Minutes
3. Announcements
* Member Announcements
* CARLI Announcements
1. Discussion
* FY 22 Activities
* Brainstorm
* Continuing Education
* Discussion of Tamara's Game show (https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://uofi.box.com/s/nv3uduibclfxamt41vs5mfzfi2022gmd__;!!DZ3fjg!t8C-4aS0f10gO3o7Ps1hm6qIUfU3qoYRE3TsgJeTInkuSJUR18yF2N8-boabBSjaBykOvF0uRQ$ )
* Schedule OER professional development sessions (such as CARLI OER Course, OER Faculty Worship). What will we offer? When? Who will teach?
* Professional Development Alliance: CARLI & Other
* Open Pedagogy Series presented by Will Cross
* PDA panel opportunity
* Grant programming
* Illinois SCOERs updates (CARLI)
* Open Illinois - OER Commons Hub Update: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.oercommons.org/hubs/openillinois__;!!DZ3fjg!t8C-4aS0f10gO3o7Ps1hm6qIUfU3qoYRE3TsgJeTInkuSJUR18yF2N8-boabBSjaBykTWU-pPA$ <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.oercommons.org/hubs/openillinois__;!!DZ3fjg!tDQmI-ej08cmSf0sWg3QlxWkv2-ItaT5zIyKl8VwPbrY0oVLK8_Gwk8g1O4NuSn1hukZ1G_8nQ$>
1. Other?
2. Next Meeting: Oct. 21
3. Adjournment
Minute Taking Rotation (Alphabetical)
Amber Burtis (September)
Denise Cote (October)
Catherine Glararza-Espino (November)
Kim Hale (December)
Christina Norton (January)
Tineka Scalzo (February)
Janet Swatscheno (March)
Tamara Townsend (April)
Chris Sweet
Information Literacy and Scholarly Communications Librarian
Associate Professor, The Ames Library
Illinois Wesleyan University
Office Hours and Research Guides<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/libguides.iwu.edu/prf.php?account_id=17991__;!!DZ3fjg!tDQmI-ej08cmSf0sWg3QlxWkv2-ItaT5zIyKl8VwPbrY0oVLK8_Gwk8g1O4NuSn1hunojlZTJg$>
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