[OERCommittee] One last look by Monday

Matthews, Daniel matthewsd29 at morainevalley.edu
Fri Jun 3 15:48:14 UTC 2022

Hi All,

I'm asking for one last round feedback on the statement to the CCM Task Force. While the message and intent of the statement remains the same there have been some significant revisions based on some feedback received yesterday. By end of the day Monday, June 6th, please let me know any feedback you may have. I want to be sure that the statement accurately reflects what the committee would like to put forward to the CARLI Executive Board and the CCM Task Force.

The motions at the top of the document reflect what we're asking the board to take on officially.

Here's the link: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://uofi.box.com/s/__;!!DZ3fjg!-emNgNR1XOJRqkfOjA3Y3eX34nd_VPn2lSns43vhmiIWa_K1E4nQNBBeV5XYwXqOEKS4STR0hGuV_zZ4nbNcY1y1WUcHTHJb-BfUySRd$ <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://uofi.box.com/s/yfpqzuv1i5z27ujmhzpzb259efifpcrb__;!!DZ3fjg!-emNgNR1XOJRqkfOjA3Y3eX34nd_VPn2lSns43vhmiIWa_K1E4nQNBBeV5XYwXqOEKS4STR0hGuV_zZ4nbNcY1y1WUcHTHJb-Nx9h9iM$ >

Thanks for your work on this!
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