[OERCommittee] Agenda for 6/16 Meeting

Matthews, Daniel matthewsd29 at morainevalley.edu
Tue Jun 14 20:07:57 UTC 2022

Hi All!

Here is the agenda for the meeting this week: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://uofi.box.com/s/3bt22c51xnayub9n1mvigxtzwihoct2g__;!!DZ3fjg!7gY8uqFwnCVVtZsmxnwH2WTPYWtkvWDeiP7aAF2nl8mZLbV5ezjvHe0BK0ZtCnr7JP_LQR3PtPafQWq7f5gzr0GwfyypfsKmCgbWwf3k$ 

Of note:

  *   We will be discussing feedback for the CARLI OER website, so bring ideas or new resources you’d like to see on the site.
  *   We will need a notetaker. I believe everyone has already done it once. If you’re willing to take a second turn, let me know.

Feel free to add to or edit the agenda as appropriate or send agenda items and questions to me directly.

See you Thursday,

Digital Services Librarian
Moraine Valley Community College
9000 W College Pkwy
Palos Hills, IL 60465

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