[OERCommittee] 5/19 OER Committee Agenda

Matthews, Daniel matthewsd29 at morainevalley.edu
Wed May 18 21:01:28 UTC 2022

Hello everyone!

Here is a link to the agenda for tomorrow’s meeting: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://uofi.box.com/s/f7mbknijbxzrkomtvmwehbkbmz7db3yw__;!!DZ3fjg!_LRHzdm7EfZVJgizQSVn5ZkvcVHYXZS56gXBMMHxN9KYC8JWTU57RvUNkcYekqSry6_3P3F0ub2LibHPPughMP9XHdyiaoAKk27kY5Ey$ 

The April minutes and the draft of the annual report are linked in the agenda. I will still be working on the draft tomorrow morning, so please know that some information will change.

If you have any changes to the agenda please let me know.


Digital Services Librarian
Moraine Valley Community College
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Palos Hills, IL 60465

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