[OERCommittee] December OER Committee Meeting
DeeAnna Phares
dphares at niu.edu
Tue Dec 3 17:52:30 UTC 2024
Good morning, all.
I hope everyone had a lovely mini-break.
I just wanted to remind folks that our next meeting is Wednesday, December 4th at 9:00AM. Dorinne is scheduled to take the minutes. Here is the draft of the agenda<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://uofi.box.com/s/rx71m5ry8yjdbbay46ipezin3cp4wrh1__;!!DZ3fjg!-yVrCbhB5pnVApm11GSiMwxRo6tu9CdOrXnAoJhVca9GbgqC0w8PKcda5jAm9VkMTqwoZYqUfcgP_Bb_etjpmtMKp_E$ >. Please feel free to edit or add any reports or announcements in advance.
I also want to take this opportunity to officially welcome our new committee member: Brandon Board from Waubonsee Community College. Thanks for joining Team OER, Brandon.
And speaking of Teams, I hope to see all of you on Teams tomorrow morning.
Dee Anna
Dee Anna Phares
Assistant Professor & Subject Specialist Librarian
History │ Psychology │ Leadership, Educational Psychology, and Foundations │ Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies │ Children’s & YA Collection
815.753.1770 │ dphares at niu.edu<mailto:dphares at niu.edu>
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