[OERCommittee] December OER Committee Meeting

Clarage, Elizabeth clarage at uillinois.edu
Tue Dec 3 17:57:32 UTC 2024

Thanks for the agenda, Dee Anna!

Sarah Zehr Gantz, Senior Assistant Vice President for Academic Initiatives and Policies, Office of the Executive Vice President/Vice President for Academic Affairs, University of Illinois System, is slated to meet with the OER Committee tomorrow.

Sarah would like to talk with the committee about their institution's uptake on OER, how they're using OER on campus, what support their administration is providing for development of OER and ancillaries, and any alternatives to OER their institution is using - like inclusive/equitable access.

We'd like to recommend that we have this discussion when Sarah arrives and then continue the agenda after that conversation concludes.


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From: OERCommittee <oercommittee-bounces at carli.illinois.edu> On Behalf Of DeeAnna Phares via OERCommittee
Sent: Tuesday, December 3, 2024 11:53 AM
To: oercommittee at carli.illinois.edu
Subject: [OERCommittee] December OER Committee Meeting

Good morning, all.

I hope everyone had a lovely mini-break.

I just wanted to remind folks that our next meeting is Wednesday, December 4th at 9:00AM. Dorinne is scheduled to take the minutes. Here is the draft of the agenda<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/uofi.box.com/s/rx71m5ry8yjdbbay46ipezin3cp4wrh1__;!!DZ3fjg!-yVrCbhB5pnVApm11GSiMwxRo6tu9CdOrXnAoJhVca9GbgqC0w8PKcda5jAm9VkMTqwoZYqUfcgP_Bb_etjpmtMKp_E$>.  Please feel free to edit or add any reports or announcements in advance.

I also want to take this opportunity to officially welcome our new committee member: Brandon Board from Waubonsee Community College. Thanks for joining Team OER, Brandon.

And speaking of Teams, I hope to see all of you on Teams tomorrow morning.

Dee Anna

Dee Anna Phares


Assistant Professor & Subject Specialist Librarian

History │ Psychology │ Leadership, Educational Psychology, and Foundations │ Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies │ Children's & YA Collection

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815.753.1770 │ dphares at niu.edu<mailto:dphares at niu.edu>

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