[OERCommittee] October Meeting of the CARLI OER Committee
DeeAnna Phares
dphares at niu.edu
Tue Oct 1 22:46:07 UTC 2024
Hi, all.
I just wanted to remind everyone that our meeting on Wednesday, October 2nd will be held on Teams. Here is the link in case anyone did not get the meeting invite Nicole sent out.
Microsoft Teams / Conference Call
Link to Join the meeting<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19*3ameeting_ZjgwYWIzOTMtMWExZi00MzdiLWI0OTMtOTA0NWRiYjY4YTgw*40thread.v2/0?context=*7b*22Tid*22*3a*2244467e6f-462c-4ea2-823f-7800de5434e3*22*2c*22Oid*22*3a*2245b31d4c-343e-438f-a15c-ad7dc995fde7*22*7d__;JSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUl!!DZ3fjg!4tuc9BD3gTS0jmjH6uv_19F7kd73fxLVLhdVD6ZoV10ghywJ68-I53xJB5Tf7dJjPvP-_O365XuUrVwUUJ0TciY-Mq0$ >
Meeting ID: 280 266 065 165 Passcode: tyvDoZ
Dial in by phone Information: +1 929-229-5751,,517866669# Phone conference ID: 517 866 669#
See you then (and there).
Dee Anna
From: DeeAnna Phares
Sent: Friday, September 27, 2024 1:56 PM
To: oercommittee at carli.illinois.edu <oercommittee at carli.illinois.edu>
Subject: October Meeting of the CARLI OER Committee
Hello, OER Committee!
To finish out your week, I am sending exactly what everyone wants to see in their inbox on a Friday afternoon: the agenda<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://uofi.box.com/s/9lp4bnafln9w6n3j0itohcmfxqq2n85u__;!!DZ3fjg!4tuc9BD3gTS0jmjH6uv_19F7kd73fxLVLhdVD6ZoV10ghywJ68-I53xJB5Tf7dJjPvP-_O365XuUrVwUUJ0T8Hry_6E$ > for our monthly meeting on Wednesday, October 2nd from 9:00-10:30AM! Please let me know if you have any additions or edits.
Have a lovely weekend. I look forward to seeing you in October (aka next week).
Dee Anna
Dee Anna Phares
Assistant Professor & Subject Specialist Librarian
History │ Psychology │ Leadership, Educational Psychology, and Foundations │ Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies │ Children’s & YA Collection
815.753.1770 │ dphares at niu.edu<mailto:dphares at niu.edu>
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