[OERCommittee] FW: CARLI's Support for Member Libraries Continuing Education Certificate Programs
Clarage, Elizabeth
clarage at uillinois.edu
Fri Oct 11 13:27:33 UTC 2024
Hi CARLI OER Committee members, if you are interested in these programs or have attended one in the past and would be available to answer questions about any of the programs, please join us next Tuesday at this informal information session.
Please register<https://www.carli.illinois.edu/information-session-carlis-support-members-attend-3-oer-certificate-programs> for this session so that you’ll receive the link for the meeting.
"Under the Illinois Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), any written communication to or from university employees regarding University business is a public record and may be subject to public disclosure."
From: Clarage, Elizabeth
Sent: Wednesday, September 25, 2024 12:01 PM
To: Announce at carli.illinois.edu<mailto:Announce at carli.illinois.edu>; carli-oer at carli.illinois.edu<mailto:carli-oer at carli.illinois.edu>
Subject: CARLI's Support for Member Libraries Continuing Education Certificate Programs
CARLI Supports Continuing Education Certificates for Members
The CARLI OER Committee is pleased to announce that funding is available to help support CARLI member participation in three certificate programs:
* Creative Commons Certificate
* OEN Certificate in Open Education Librarianship
* OEN Certificate in Open Pedagogy
There will be an information session on October 15, 9:00-10:00 a.m.<https://www.carli.illinois.edu/information-session-carlis-support-members-attend-3-oer-certificate-programs> with past participants of these programs available to answer any questions. Please register<https://www.carli.illinois.edu/information-session-carlis-support-members-attend-3-oer-certificate-programs> for this session.
Creative Commons Certificate
Partial registration support is available for up to five library workers at CARLI member institutions to participate in the Creative Commons Certificate Program<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/certificates.creativecommons.org/about/faq/__;!!DZ3fjg!-NEtU_fA4l9hahCacJoqRiqkBI-c-2QZazZ6Yhz8tMxDT926TM2mWAfucl1WKsVMHtPPYKoAVBBKMUolEHmGfESG57umJQ$>.
Creative Commons<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/certificates.creativecommons.org/__;!!DZ3fjg!-NEtU_fA4l9hahCacJoqRiqkBI-c-2QZazZ6Yhz8tMxDT926TM2mWAfucl1WKsVMHtPPYKoAVBBKMUolEHmGfERJPC702A$> (CC) licensing is a type of license commonly used with open educational resources. The course delves into the Creative Commons licenses and open practices. This 10-week certificate course is run as asynchronous, online training, with options for synchronous discussions.
The Creative Commons Certificate Program syllabus includes modules on:
* What is Creative Commons?
* Copyright Law
* Anatomy of a CC License
* Using CC Licenses and CC-Licensed Work
* Creative Commons for Librarian
The total cost of the program for a CARLI attendee after discounts and reimbursements is $225. The Midwest Higher Education Compact (MHEC) provides a 15% registration discount; all CARLI Members qualify for this discount. CARLI will provide $200 registration reimbursement. All CARLI members qualify for the $200 reimbursement; however, CARLI financial support will be available on a first-come, first-served basis to the first 5 registrants. To qualify, members must register for a course that begins prior to June 30, 2025.
To register for the course and receive the MHEC discount:
1. Email: Jennryn Wetzler<mailto:jennryn at creativecommons.org?subject=Request%20for%20MHEC%20Discount%20Code%20for%20CC%20Certificate%20Course> for the MHEC discount code.
2. Navigate to the Course Registration<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.classy.org/event/2025-cc-certificate-course-registration/e601201/register/new/select-tickets__;!!DZ3fjg!-NEtU_fA4l9hahCacJoqRiqkBI-c-2QZazZ6Yhz8tMxDT926TM2mWAfucl1WKsVMHtPPYKoAVBBKMUolEHmGfET3GjxJVw$> and select either ticket option “CC Certificate for Academic Librarians, January 2025” (course dates January 27 - April 6, 2025) or “CC Certificate for Academic Librarians, June 2024” (course dates June 2 - August 10, 2025).
3. When you get to the checkout page, enter the Promo Code received from Jennryn Wetzler (in Step 1) before completing your order.
4. Pay for the course and keep a copy of your payment receipt.
5. To receive CARLI’s $200 reimbursement, email CARLI Support<mailto:support at carli.illinois.edu?subject=Registration%20Support%20for%20Creative%20Commons%20Certificate%20Program> for the additional documentation needed to request reimbursement.
In return for CARLI's financial contribution to your registration fee, we ask that you provide CARLI with at least two of the resources you create during the certificate program so that all of CARLI may benefit from these projects.
OEN′s Certificate in Open Education Librarianship
Interested in a deeper dive on Open Education or need support in implementing an OER program at your institution from experts? In support of CARLI member libraries' OER efforts, the CARLI Open Educational Resources Committee is pleased to announce continued funding is available for up to five CARLI member librarians to attend the Open Education Network's Certificate in Open Education Librarianship<https://www.carli.illinois.edu/carli-registration-support-member-attendance-oens-certificate-open-education-librarianship-program> Program.
The certificate program includes online content, mentor-led cohort meetings, and program development support. A culminating final project helps participants put what they have learned into action. Librarians who successfully complete the eight-month program will receive a Certificate in Open Education Librarianship from the Open Education Network.
Acceptance by the OEN is required but does not guarantee CARLI support. The deadline to apply for this program is October 25, 2024. For detailed information about how to receive CARLI support for this program, visit CARLI's program web page<https://www.carli.illinois.edu/carli-registration-support-member-attendance-oens-certificate-open-education-librarianship-program> or send an email to CARLI Support<mailto:support at carli.illinois.edu>.
For questions about available scholarships or other questions about the OEN Certificate in Open Education Librarianship, please see OEN's Frequently Asked Questions<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/docs.google.com/document/d/177cc_8V5vKPmNe_wZzMScpCBM60PxwT-dPt40ILjcbY/edit__;!!DZ3fjg!-NEtU_fA4l9hahCacJoqRiqkBI-c-2QZazZ6Yhz8tMxDT926TM2mWAfucl1WKsVMHtPPYKoAVBBKMUolEHmGfEQpoWdKqA$>.
OEN′s Certificate in Open Pedagogy
The Certificate in Open Pedagogy<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/open.umn.edu/oen/certificate-in-open-pedagogy__;!!DZ3fjg!-NEtU_fA4l9hahCacJoqRiqkBI-c-2QZazZ6Yhz8tMxDT926TM2mWAfucl1WKsVMHtPPYKoAVBBKMUolEHmGfEQQzEyw6A$> is a professional development program that will create actionable pathways for faculty and librarians to implement open education for the transformation of learning.
Applicants should be a two-person team consisting of a librarian and teaching faculty member who will complete a nine-week, asynchronous course in the spring of 2025 about the range of open educational practices with modules on the hallmarks of open education, copyright and Creative Commons licensing, the hallmarks of open pedagogy, the benefits and limitations of OEP, accessibility, and student empowerment and agency. Together, the faculty and faculty partner pairs will create an Action Plan, to be implemented the following spring, which seeks to transform learning through the power of open education.
CARLI will support one two-member team from a CARLI Member. Acceptance by the OEN is required but does not guarantee CARLI support. The deadline to apply to this program is November 1, 2024.
For detailed information about how to receive CARLI support for this program, visit CARLI's program web page<https://www.carli.illinois.edu/carli-registration-support-member-attendance-oens-certificate-open-pedagogy> or send an email to CARLI Support<mailto:support at carli.illinois.edu>.
For questions about available scholarships or other questions about the OEN Certificate in Open Pedagogy, please see OEN's Frequently Asked Questions<(https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Tf8vOD8zQ82JY4MKZhhcAaIq5uCHg-o1X3NpzTO_dko/edit__;!!DZ3fjg!4hY2R8rdUBlzlUzyvD_b1K5Buxb-C8CcIkCW7nLLINOD-pGqpo5IRyAXnn8rDjWqaPE3zKhwWPkh8ppsHaqGVcVsdPMbvXs$ >.
"Under the Illinois Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), any written communication to or from university employees regarding University business is a public record and may be subject to public disclosure."
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