[Systems Librarians] Hours and holiday updates in CARLI ALMA because vs overdues.

Jennifer Stubbs jastubbs at fsmail.bradley.edu
Thu Feb 13 15:37:36 UTC 2025

Good morning fellow Systems interested Librarians!
I am new to the CARLI ALMA environment.  My history was in a public system
or two with Millenium/Sierra and TLC2, so maybe things that were possible
10 years ago have been taken away.
I'm hoping it's just an ol' wives' tale locally about how future holidays
are coded into ALMA to pre-empt 6-month due dates falling on a closed

Can you help me find the documentation on this feature?

In Sierra, as a parapro, I would open check-in, set the date to the
previous open day, 5 minutes before closing (especially after a 3-day
weekend), and check in the mountains of returned items. So there aren't
fees for the days closed.  Only for books that would have been overdue at
least 3 days or more.

I struggle to describe this concisely in text.  I'm happy to meet by voice,


*Jennifer AW Stubbs (she / her / hers)*
*Bradley University*
*Cullom-Davis Library, 101*
Find time to chat <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://calendar.app.google/9rWTgALEg3TS4BoT7__;!!DZ3fjg!7lTi-lXuTWA30Gf2xRCOQ-7mkKJgCbxcwXQ3Z6OEPN6ADVljw-JASHNPWosdNxwa-HL0j-NpZtJ4UXSFp2rDkMd-Yitahn5T6il9jwVz$ >     1501
W Bradley Ave
<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Bradley*University,*1501*W*Bradley*Ave,*Peoria,*IL*61625/@40.6977743,-89.6175371,17z/data=!4m9!4m8!1m0!1m5!1m1!1s0x880a5947add91f81:0xf6351a199233588f!2m2!1d-89.6153484!2d40.6977743!3e0__;KysrKysrKys!!DZ3fjg!7lTi-lXuTWA30Gf2xRCOQ-7mkKJgCbxcwXQ3Z6OEPN6ADVljw-JASHNPWosdNxwa-HL0j-NpZtJ4UXSFp2rDkMd-Yitahn5T6rjyqOYP$ >
*O* (309) 677-2841      Peoria, IL 61625
ORCiD: 0000-0002-6080-5703
I may rarely email outside working hours --
please don't feel obligated to respond until your working hours.
Why share pronouns? <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.glsen.org/activity/pronouns-guide-glsen__;!!DZ3fjg!7lTi-lXuTWA30Gf2xRCOQ-7mkKJgCbxcwXQ3Z6OEPN6ADVljw-JASHNPWosdNxwa-HL0j-NpZtJ4UXSFp2rDkMd-Yitahn5T6oWvo_PW$ >
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