[Systems Librarians] Hours and holiday updates in CARLI ALMA because vs overdues.

Jennifer Stubbs jastubbs at fsmail.bradley.edu
Thu Feb 13 23:16:17 UTC 2025

Would I use the EVENT description (from below) for "Thanksgiving" or "Fall
break"?  The days change each year, but are known 6 months early.
Could the changes be made only a month or two ahead (while current loans
are out and might show a due date on Thanksgiving)?

CARLI ALMA Calendar Configuration

Thanks, Sara!
*Jennifer  *

On Thu, Feb 13, 2025 at 9:37 AM Jennifer Stubbs <jastubbs at fsmail.bradley.edu>

> Good morning fellow Systems interested Librarians!
> I am new to the CARLI ALMA environment.  My history was in a public system
> or two with Millenium/Sierra and TLC2, so maybe things that were possible
> 10 years ago have been taken away.
> I'm hoping it's just an ol' wives' tale locally about how future holidays
> are coded into ALMA to pre-empt 6-month due dates falling on a closed
> holiday.
> Can you help me find the documentation on this feature?
> In Sierra, as a parapro, I would open check-in, set the date to the
> previous open day, 5 minutes before closing (especially after a 3-day
> weekend), and check in the mountains of returned items. So there aren't
> fees for the days closed.  Only for books that would have been overdue at
> least 3 days or more.
> I struggle to describe this concisely in text.  I'm happy to meet by
> voice, too.
> Cordially,
> *Jennifer AW Stubbs (she / her / hers)*
> *Bradley University*
> *Cullom-Davis Library, 101*
> Find time to chat <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://calendar.app.google/9rWTgALEg3TS4BoT7__;!!DZ3fjg!8lm_HSbNg3LbcR-lJn64XbJCpOPQw6CHs4P45xNGrcjfIxXEbfOtsjJtetYskhMkp-MYCD1myXVn4M8zWNnDuSghpJqRH4oQM4PbhFDR$ >     1501
> W Bradley Ave
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Bradley*University,*1501*W*Bradley*Ave,*Peoria,*IL*61625/@40.6977743,-89.6175371,17z/data=!4m9!4m8!1m0!1m5!1m1!1s0x880a5947add91f81:0xf6351a199233588f!2m2!1d-89.6153484!2d40.6977743!3e0__;KysrKysrKys!!DZ3fjg!8lm_HSbNg3LbcR-lJn64XbJCpOPQw6CHs4P45xNGrcjfIxXEbfOtsjJtetYskhMkp-MYCD1myXVn4M8zWNnDuSghpJqRH4oQM6aDm3DS$ >
> *O* (309) 677-2841      Peoria, IL 61625
> ORCiD: 0000-0002-6080-5703
> I may rarely email outside working hours --
> please don't feel obligated to respond until your working hours.
> Why share pronouns? <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.glsen.org/activity/pronouns-guide-glsen__;!!DZ3fjg!8lm_HSbNg3LbcR-lJn64XbJCpOPQw6CHs4P45xNGrcjfIxXEbfOtsjJtetYskhMkp-MYCD1myXVn4M8zWNnDuSghpJqRH4oQM1jb8BCV$ >
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