[ERMCommittee] Upcoming Meeting Reminder
Jennifer Patterson
jennifer.m.patterson at svcc.edu
Tue Aug 6 17:55:35 UTC 2024
Hello everyone,
I hope you all had a great summer. I know we are all busy with Fall
semester starting, so I wanted to send out a reminder of our upcoming
meeting on August 16th at 11.
I have attached the first meeting's agenda along with a schedule of who
will be taking minutes for each month. If you have any questions please
don't hesitate to ask. Thank You
Meeting Zoom connection -
*Jennifer Patterson (She/Her/Hers)*
*Learning Commons Library Digital and Technical Services Specialist*
*Sauk Valley Community College*
*173 IL Rt. 2*
*Dixon, IL 61021*
*jennifer.m.patterson at svcc.edu <jennifer.m.patterson at svcc.edu>P:
Library Hours of Operation
Summer Hours
Monday - Thursday
7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Fall and Spring
Monday - Thursday
7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Friday 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/m/marcelprou391216.html__;!!DZ3fjg!8sXX2KhZOshhgAsr2WVcF77qUI6Iw_B2fEd0R3Zs_X0wpIrzclitDcyHZLXq8a51x_VWiw6ICF1Hv8V-p7onKWQ-p_8sXB_G1Ms_JU8$ >
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