October 2020 Archives by thread
Starting: Tue Oct 6 16:11:16 CDT 2020
Ending: Wed Oct 28 13:37:02 CDT 2020
Messages: 33
- [OERCommittee] Dept. of Ed Grant: Question about the bookstore data
Shultz, Susan
- [OERCommittee] Allied health?
Shelley, Anne
- [OERCommittee] Textbook Data from ISU
Shelley, Anne
- [OERCommittee] OER grant data
Chernaik, Anne
- [OERCommittee] proving need in grant
Craig, Anne
- [OERCommittee] Authoring tool recommendations for OER texbook creation
Swanson, Nicole Marie
- [OERCommittee] FW: the Nov. 13 Annual Meeting
Swanson, Nicole Marie
- [OERCommittee] DOE Open Textbook Pilot grant -- assistance request for mini grant applications
Swanson, Nicole Marie
- [OERCommittee] CARLI OER Committee Meeting Agenda 10-15-2020
Swatscheno, Janet Marie
- [OERCommittee] Certificate in OER Librarianship - Proposal for CARLI Program Planning Committee
Clarage, Elizabeth
- [OERCommittee] Grad student request
Chernaik, Anne
- [OERCommittee] FW: US Dept of Education Open Textbooks Pilot Grant: update, letter request, other institutions?
Craig, Anne
- [OERCommittee] your help with the grant application
Craig, Anne
- [OERCommittee] Open and Equitable Scholarly Communications: Creating a More Inclusive Future
Chernaik, Anne
- [OERCommittee] Draft of grant so far
Craig, Anne
Last message date:
Wed Oct 28 13:37:02 CDT 2020
Archived on: Wed Oct 28 13:45:54 CDT 2020
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